Making the halls look full was given as a reason, except they called it utilizing all the seats. An elder did mention it looks better to have the place full. I will add that the back ( slacker) row an side were full. And the back km room. They started kicking moms with babies out at t ours and make the m.h sit in front
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
Merger aftermath
by Rattigan350 ina couple of months ago, i reported on my congregation being disolved and merged with another.. on sept 1, cong b merged with cong a using the same hall, thereafter using cong a's meeting times.
also nearby cong c moved into the hall using cong b's meeting times and cong c's kh is being put up for sale.. i've since been to both sunday meetings and both midweek meetings.
at all, the parking lot is totally full, cars have to park around the corner and on the street.
Jehovah's Witnesses Came to My Neighborhood
by Juan Viejo2 infor nearly two years i have not seen any jehovah's witnesses going door to door in my neighborhood.
that was not the case when my wife and i first moved here (north central oregon).
in fact, our neighborhood was visited at least once every 4 to 5 months - even in the coldest winter months.
road to nowhere
Been there and that is one of better days. Doing not at homes on Saturday when everyone is still at the grocery the conductor giving a short talk instead if getting with the program.
The break is the high point. Dont forget the Van's seat 8, but 4 of them better be agile children, then there is a muppet kingdom song playing, and you are supposed to talk only about spiritual things. I always hope for someone to find a talker as t hff at leaves the rest of us with free time.
Meantime, there is serious necessary stuff not being done at home while you waste a day
Recently Disfellowshipped
by PersonOfGlitter inhi i’m getting disfellowshipped on thursday and was wondering what advice those that have left have for me.
i’m not sure if i still believe or not.
road to nowhere
You haven't given age, family, marriage, gender. That can play into advice. Do not be so specific you give things away. Let us know how things are.
Recently Disfellowshipped
by PersonOfGlitter inhi i’m getting disfellowshipped on thursday and was wondering what advice those that have left have for me.
i’m not sure if i still believe or not.
road to nowhere
You will meet people you know at the store. Some will avert their gaze, some will change course, and some ( like me) will still acknowledge you. Family goes the full spectrum from outright treating you as dead, lessening contact, and maintaining contact in private. If in the same household you may be excluded from prayers before meals, discussions, and maybe nagged at to " come back"
You can leave for good, do what is needed to get back in then fade, or go back. No one can tell you what to do, but some will try. We dont know the details, some DFs are for reasons even the world can understand ( adultery), others are just kangaroo court reasons and there are shades in all them. Do not forget to keep living your own life
Kick The Bucket JW Style!
by Atlantis inkick the bucket jw style!. .
road to nowhere
RWith online books the book cover business has gone bust
As for traditional Victorian funerals, I like them. Do all the pomp and stuff, cry a lot, get over it. Dont try to avoid the subject
Best funeral I went to was catholic, whole deal, rosary, mass, burial. Bagpipes too. Runners up were another catholic, Presbyterian, and Methodist. Worst were jw, not rehearsed well, dry, and preachy. I think people go for the food at the re reception and connecting with seldom seen friends,
I catch hell for going, but it is supposed to be for the family. I have even sung amazing grace because it is a pretty song
Did Russell come up with the no hell fire and no Trinity doctrine or did steal that belief from another religion as well?
by nowwhat? injust wondering hate to give the devil his due.
road to nowhere
They still borrow ideas. Anything g they come up with you can find in some other' sects beliefs
retrospect on yesterday's wt "study" 29.
by waton ingo- teach.
par.1 : marching orders given to 500 attendees, none of them anointed, but 11 partakers, jesus taught and served people with an "earthly hope" and the commission to go was not as wt now claims a mandate to the gb members; the os only being supposed supporters.
4) new disciple stops drinking.
road to nowhere
Good old davier shaved--- the true mark of a christian
The talk we had mentioned what jehovah and the governing body give us. No mention of ( unemployed) jesus. I always want to make a snide remark like: the speaker failed to mention jesus; or I would really like to comment on the shaving as a sign of progress but never have
District convention to be held in assembly hall instead of stadium
by NikL inlast night they announced that this summers district convention will be held at an assembly hall.. this is the first time i've seen this happen.
there are a couple of congregations in the same hall here and they aren't going to the same ones.
they are having multiple dates.. the hall they are going to use can only hold 1500 people max.. just wondering if maybe they just couldnt get anything bigger this year or if the falling numbers are playing a part in this decision.
road to nowhere
The split up of congregations in the same hall is so there are motel rooms available and used
Ours has been at an assembly hall ever since it was built. I will give them credit for good seats, no sports arena stuff the lunch facilities lack, and there is no place for kids to be kids at lunch; but caleb and Sophia dont play catch, hopscotch, leapfrog anyway
It does make it harder to connect with old acquaintances and really cuts into any chance for young ones to meet a marriage mate; they keep up the rules and we will be inbred
Does Today’s Comedy Offend You?
by minimus inthere was a time we could laugh about mindless silly things.
someone using an ethnic accent, making fun of their own race, making fun of someone’s intelligent, etc.
we could laugh without feeling constantly offended , upset or disturbed.
road to nowhere
Brown face with a Sikh turban. Cant even get his ethnic groups right. Csnt wait for Halloween. sure to offend " real" witches, cowboys, or spacemen
Now trump maybe said something to someone. Keep tuned
Thoughts on Sundays wt about persecution
by nowwhat? inso let me get this straight.
even though law enforcement has their hands full with illegal drugs and guns on the street, child traffickers, dangerous gangs and such.
they are going to now pool all their resources to confiscate bibles and religious literature?!
road to nowhere
That Gilead or whatever they call the school video from this weeks meeting mentioned airline turbulence. Their point being to expect it. The point I think they missed was it means nothing at all